A range of garden plant frames ready to go. We have even attached one to the wall ready for the creepers!
The perfect plant climbing frame or tall plant support.
You can add to the frame to make it taller as the peas (in this case) grow.

A perfect frame for growing tomatoes - lots of air and sunshine gets to the plants
Not only great as a tomato plant support, but its also very easy to get to the fruit.
Just like a big bowl of tomatoes ready to use.

An ideal plant support frame, letting the beans grow naturally up, around and through the frame -
Not an impenetrable boarder, but a supportive frame.
How to protect plants from frost? Just like that. It is so easy to throw any netting or cloth over these frames.
In winter the perfect garden frost cover, in summer, change it to shade cloth. It will only take a minute.
Better than garden plant stakes. These frames sit on the ground, so are very
easy to move when you need to get into the garden to harvest or weed.
Very lightweight and easy to work with and the perfect shape to throw protective cloth or netting over.

Make one structure to cover the entire bed. Easy to move so you can get to the plants and garden.
Or make a mini green house.

Keeping the moths of the seedlings to give the a start in life

So easy to add netting to protect plants from birds. And look, the netting is away from the tree giving the fruit plenty of airflow for healthy growth.

Just like companion planting, create a natural support for plants to grow in and around
Bespoke the frames to fit your trees, up to 2.5 meters high

Climbing plant support.

Garden pots easily protected