We are in the Macedon Ranges in rural Victoria, about an hour and a half northwest of Melbourne. https://www.visitmacedonranges.com/
What are Flexi Garden Frames?
Made and designed in Australia, the world’s first and only modular garden frame has been designed to make gardening easier and more productive. Long lasting, reconfigurable, lightweight and easy to work with, make any size and shaped frame you need for seedlings through to trees. Provides natural support for all climbing plants and the perfect shape to easily put protective netting over. No more hammering sticks into the ground, or trying to get them out again, and the open design lets lots of air and light get to the plants for healthy growth as well as enabling you to easily reach in to do your gardening. All available through this website.

Growing Healthier Plants with Angus Stewart
Building Tree Frames
Building Longer Frames with Vasili
Withstanding 35km/hr winds

Flexi Garden Supreme Frame
$98.95 AUD
Try out a wide range of components in this one kit and build the perfect frame for your garden and the plants you are growing. Lightweight, easy to use and put together, no more battling with sticks, stakes and ugly odds and ends.
No hammering or screwing things in place, easily extend your frame, change it or completely reconfigure the design through the year as plants grow and requirements change.
Flexi Garden Tree Frame - 2.5 metres tall.
Keep the fruit for yourself with out tallest and most popular tree frame sitting at 2.5 metres tall and 2 metres diagonally across.
With just 4 different components the design is easy to make and to put netting over.
The perfect tree frame that also includes leg spikes to secure frame to the ground and net clamps.

Flexi Garden Greenhouse Frame.
Set the greenhouse up over the garden bed where you want your seeds and seedlings to live to create a microclimate that will produce healthy, thriving plants and veggies quicker. No need to transplant.
On hot days, or to garden, remove clamps and fold back the film. When finished pull film back and reattach clamps. Done!
When you no longer need the greenhouse, remove the film and store for next year, then continue to use the frame to support your growing plants and to put protective netting or cloth over.
Now there is no longer any need to start your plants in a separate location and then transplant the seedlings to a permanent bed, always a tricky maneuver.
Kit comes with all components, and commercial grade greenhouse film.
Customer photos