We are so focused on the creepers, crawlers and flyers that are bad for the garden, that we sometimes forget that the overwhelming majority of insets in the garden are either good or just part of the normal diversity. This is important to remember, as when addressing the bad, we want to ensure the good are unharmed.
Aphids are one of the bad that need to be addressed, as they suck sap causing distorted leaves and stunting growth. Ladybirds love the larvae, so it is good to have them around, unfortunately though they don’t get started on them until much of the damage is done! Sooty mould or a sticky substance on the leaves can sometimes be an early indication of them, as can an increase in ants running over the plant. A plant extract, pyrethrum, is effective and safe and can be sprayed directly on the aphids and between the folds of the infected leaves for immediate results.
Or you can make you own spray – boil 3 kgs of rhubarb leaves in 3 litres of water for half an hour. Strain the liquid, add a little detergent and then when cool spray away!
Ants can also be a problem having such a close relationship with aphids and scale insects as they do. They can spread disease and have an unnerving tact for finding their way into the house where they can go on a feeding frenzy. They are easy to control if you can find the nest, just place a small container of 1 part icing sugar and 1 part borax mixed with water into a sticky paste, next to the nest. Borax is toxic, so ensure children and animals can't access the container.
Caterpillars! We have all seen the results of their frenzied eating. Dipel is a safe and effective remedy against these pests.
Slugs and snails – we seem to have waves of them during a downpour! One snail can destroy an entire row of your precious fare. You can go tramping around with gumboots on at night with a torch, if you have a sadistic nature, but the cheepiest protection is a thick layer of sawdust around your valuable plants. Ash has the same effect.
Certainly, these are not all the pests you need to contend with, I would need to write a book to cover them all, but these are a few of the main ones to get started on