It may still feel like a holiday, but nothing stops in the garden and there is still plenty to do and a great place to wear off some of that Christmas fare!
A good place to start is to prune the berry fruit plants, once the berries have all been picked that is (we still have a few blackberries left to enjoy). Simply cut all canes that bore fruit to the ground, then burn the pruned pieces (once fire bans are over). You can also prune blackcurrants back to within a few centimeters of the ground, just retaining any new green branches. This will help control disease and remove non-productive wood and old dead weight.
Once that is done mulch around the berry fruit plants with old straw mixed with animal manure (if available) and water in well.
And while you have the pruning tools out, have a look at any trees that have become too big and prune them back to size.
Finally citrus trees need plenty of attention this time of the year, requiring amply food and moisture to help prevent disease and improve fruit yield. Watering is the most important requirement to replace water lost through the leaves giving off vapor during the hot days, so give the trees a good watering every week during these hot times. Then you can feed the trees using slow acting fertilizer like blood and bone spread around the trunk and drip line. Once applied, water in. You can also prune off any dead or weak twiggy growth.
So, a few things to do to help you limber up for the year.