Well, I think really that has been the situation for a while – it has been quite a warm winter and certainly spring seems to have already sprung. Is this the new normal? Probably!
And with spring comes much to do about everything in the garden. I am sure your beds are already prepared and so now you can get sowing! Please see some ideas of what you can plant in September below.
And some news. After 4 years of having our operations in Ballarat Vic, we are moving. It is certainly being done with some reluctance, as the businesses we work with there have been fabulous and great supporters of ours. But due to our growth and business goals, we have decided to centralise all our operations with our business partners in Sydney. That move is happening now and should be completed in the next few weeks. It has meant that we are out of stock with a few items and will not be able to replenish those until everything arrives in Sydney, hopefully next week.
I am still based in the Macedon Ranges in Victoria and our 3 main manufactures are still in Australia - Melbourne and Nowra, but admin and fulfilment will now be out of our own, but shared warehouse in Sydney.
It is always sad when you leave behind those that have been so good and supportive, but our growth requires us to be more centralised and manageable, and that is what we are endeavoring to be.
Enjoy Spring!