Kits that include a range of different components to play with

Strong and long lasting

And we are off! The Season Begins!

Spring has arrived, can’t you feel it, certainly the birds can! And along with their singing and thieving comes all the other usual seasonal signals of daffodils and tulips pushing up through the earth, and fruit trees about to burst into blossom. All sure signs that my fruit and veg will need protecting.

And there’s a real sense of urgency to get out and garden, no matter how cool and wet it still is. What an exciting time, there is so much possibility at the beginning of the growing season.

We’ve started most of our vegetable seeds inside during a cool and wet August, and now, as they grow and develop, it’s time to get them into the garden where they will need protection. The resident possum now has a baby on her back, and their favourite meal is seedlings, so we have stopped that behaviour by covering a low frame with netting – that’s done it, poor possums.

And we are so excited about using the Tall Mini this year. We will be growing tomatoes up the centre of it and espaliering beans all along the string line. We’re also prepping the veggie patch for the filming of a new TV ad, all of which means that there’s a lot of our favourite kind of work to do. We will keep you posted on progress. Happy growing!

